Friday, January 9, 2015

Prairie Fire Wine

Do you have the time?
Could you write my next line?
Did you even wish to be mine?
sweet lil boy
With the huckleberry shine

But you'll never come back to me
Always too blind to really see
What was lost was not for sale
Now I'll keep my heart in jail

Drinkin prairie fire wine
Making love was not your kind
Faking nothing, let me be
Green eyes make envy the enemy

Pull my hat low 'cross the face
Pickin up my heart's melting pace
Childrens' laughter's not enough
The Wolves' howl is just too rough

Drinkin prairie fire wine
Dusty road's the final line
There's not one I wouldn't cross
To feel it less, this aching loss

Spilling prairie fire wine
deepest grapes, they need a vine
And There's only one thing ever free
That's what you took away from me.

Apricot Sunset

When the blues, greens, fluffy whites,
Begin to fade into the next hopeful dawn... And the owls ruffle feather awake to seek their prey

The horizon fading into a quaint squint
O'er the mountains

There I'll find you
Among those apricot embers

Sun stretching into its yawn
Moon taking her place in the night sky,
The lead

There I'll find you
Among the starry twinkles

Within the first cricket chirps
And distant howls

There I'll find you
Among all things that end...

And begin again.


Ocean wave, unencumbered circumference
The most secret parts, creating sea glass
Jasmine scented ritual dance,
A centuries old routine

One breathe follows the other
Mine, then yours
Yours, then mine

Heart opening blossom,
Petals falling, the foam explodes across the sand
And gently retreats
As the drum beat slows
And the water flows back-into self
Awaiting the moon's next command.