Tuesday, September 8, 2015

We Break Ground II

The war horse makes war
The peace horse, peace
A bushel of our limited time is spent building and rebuilding
And not enough asking forgiveness
(soil can’t hear our toil, unless we lay in it and then: it’s too late)

In our inherent laze we create malaise, between each other and our mother
We leap forward only to bind ourselves backwards.

To the technocrat brat, renew your energy by breathing trees
Build a fire and cook the food you grow, the animal you hunt…
Sleep under the Milky Way and drink, let your infant eyes nurse this galaxy
And then tell me if the space you spoil with wires and buyers
Is worth the loss?

We Break Ground I

The winds are finally here

I've been summoning them,
Thinking elemental mental thoughts while they left me here heated cold,
Winter's white, somber stillness a beautiful curse...
(deaf ears, vertical horizons, and all things star-crossed and tainted)

And on these winds now I send to you my skin
Still supple with youth's last whispered hurrah. Tanned like ancestor sun toil, freckled
Laughter and tears in sun and rain
I send my voice, a deeply soft reminder of the moons we've traveled, calling to one another
one step ahead... Sometimes galaxies behind
I swirl my breathe towards you from the deepest inhale, searching for your scent among spring's seedling intent
in these winds.
You, my content
My comfort
My home
My air.